Lady of Avalon (Avalon #3) Author: Marion Zimmer Bradley Genre: Historical Fiction, Fantasy Publisher: Ace Release Date: 2007 Pages: 404 Source: Personal Collection Synopsis: Journey to a time before King Arthur in this prequel to The Mists of Avalon —a spellbinding story of three remarkable women who alter the fortunes of Roman Britain as they fight to reclaim the magic and traditions of a once glorious past. Caillean, the young priestess fated to become Lady of Avalon, who rescues and raises the orphaned Gawen—heir to a mystic and dangerous royal line...Dierna, who must use all her strength, wisdom, and love to guide Avalon through treacherous political waters and veil the island from a hostile world...Viviane, Lady of the Lake and keeper of the Grail, destined for true greatness as she prepares Avalon for the coming of a legendary king... Bestselling author Marion Zimmer Bradley brings the mesmerizing world of ...
The Forest House (Avalon #2) Author: Marion Zimmer Bradley Genre: Historical Fiction, Fantasy Publisher: Ace Release Date: 1995 Pages: 434 Source: Personal Collection Synopsis: The New York Times bestselling science fiction and fantasy author of the Avalon series introduces the prequel to the beloved and enduring classic The Mists of Avalon in this mesmerizing epic of one woman’s legendary role at a turning point in history. In a Britain struggling to survive Roman invasion, Eilan is the daughter of a Druidic warleader, gifted with visions and marked by fate to become a priestess of the Forest House. But fate also led Eilan to Gaius, a soldier of mixed blood, son of the Romans sent to subdue the native British. For Gaius, Eilan felt forbidden love, and her terrible secret will haunt her even as she is anointed as the new High Priestess. With mighty enemies poised to destroy the magic the Forest House shelters, Eilan must tr...