The Bone Flower Throne: Book One of the Bone Flower Trilogy Author: T. L. Morganfield Genre: Historical fiction, Fantasy Publisher: Panverse Publishing LLC Release Date: October, 19th 2013 Pages: 352 Source: NetGalley/Publisher in exchange for an honest review. Synopsis: "I slid to a stop and gasped when I saw the black-robed monster hunched over Father's bed mat. Its long, matted hair glistened in the moonlight, and it sang in a harsh voice that sounded like bones snapping. I screamed, my heart thudding as if trying to break out of my chest." Tenth century Mexico is a world in great upheaval. Incursions from the north bring constant warfare as clashing politics and faiths battle for supremacy. At the fore stands Smoking Mirror, a bloodthirsty god bent on subjugating humanity with his hunger for human hearts. His high priest, Ihuitimal, has conquered Culhuacan, one of the Toltecs' most powerful kingdoms. When Smoking Mirror's archenemy,...